The single greatest user of energy in your home is your home heating and cooling system. Keeping your home comfortable represents about half of your total utility bill. So how do you determine what portion of your utility bill is heating and cooling cost? There are 4 months out of the year when very little heating and cooling is needed – March, April, October, and November. If you look back on your utility bills and average those 4 months, you can use this number to represent your “base” utility. Base utility is the cost of all the other things in your home like washing and drying clothes, cooking, heating water, televisions, lights and etc. By subtracting that base average from any other month and you can get a pretty good idea what you are spending on heating or cooling. For instance if your base average is $95 and you have a July bill that is $350, you’ll know the cooling cost is about $255. If you live in a large home that may be acceptable, but if you live in a small home, that would be considered a very high utility bill. For example, we provide service on a 2512 sq. ft home with all electric appliances that has an average power bill of $131 per month. If you suspect your heating and cooling system is costing too much and would like to know how you can reduce your utility bills, call us today at 517-3050.