This is a great question because there are so many different filters you can choose for your heating and cooling system with prices from around $1 to well over $50 for a single 1” thick filter. There are two things to consider when deciding which filter to choose: How well does it filter out dirt and allergens, and how easy does air pass through the filter. Expensive filters that trap the smallest particles are also the most difficult for air to pass and will cause some heating and cooling units to not run properly. The cheapest filters are made of spun fiberglass and don’t do a good job of filtering. A pleated paper filter is best. Look for one that has a filtering rating around MERV 8. MERV is a measurement that determines the particulate size that will be trapped by the filter. MERV 8 provides the best balance between air flow and filtration for the efficiency of your heating and cooling system and improves indoor air quality for you and your family. Remember, a 1” filter should always be changed monthly. If you want the convenience of having filters shipped to your home, call Action about our filter program at 517-3050. Twelve filters will be delivered to your door for less money than what you’ll pay at the big box chain stores.
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